Mr. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
To Whom It May Concern:
Topic: Exhibit 2: evidence from one involved torturer, 41 division, Toronto Police Service.
Issues: Torture, non-lethal weapons, gang/organized -stalking, serious violation of human right, happened in Canada.
On October 01, 2009, I forwarded Exhibit 1, the evidence collected from one involved torturer, The Scarborough Hospital, Canada, through emails to you. I am now providing you with Exhibit 2, the evidence collected from another involved torturer, 41 division, Toronto Police Service through emails and fax.
During the psychiatric analysis in my home conducted by a social worker of The Scarborough Hospital, Canada without my “informed consent”, due to the inducement from 41 division, I felt something strange. After that, I asked The Scarborough Hospital to examine my entire report to 41 division , which was transferred to them by the 41 division. When I got the copy of my report kept by The Scarborough Hospital, to my surprise, the 41 division intentionally missed out the most important evidence, that is, my first report to the 41 division about my neighbour, and one download literature about the non-lethal weapons. I am posting these two pieces of evidence for your reference.
Thanks for your consideration.
Best regards,
Robin Yan
Via email and fax:
Fax: 613-941-6900
The whole story about this case is recorded in my blog,
My first report to 41 division
To: 41 Division Tel: 416-285-5517
Att: Dear Crime prevention officers
By: Robin Yan
Topic: Suspect of organized crime Date: 26/11/05
I am wiring to report to you about my neighbor who may be involved in organized crime.
I am living in 204-9 Craigton Dr. Scarborough. ON. M1L 2N5 with my wife. It is one bed room. My neighbor is living 304 (one bed room), just above my apartment, singled . Half a year ago I realized that he has been spying on me. When I take a shower in my bathroom, he is also standing over my head in his bathroom. When I open my drawers, he is standing over my head. When I make a phone call, he is standing over my head in his room. Recently, when I come back from my college every day, he stands over my head wherever I stand or seat in my room. After a while I begin to feel headache, nausea, heart beating, sometimes I feel burnt in my head. Because our room ceiling, that is, his floor, is wood structure, I can hear clearly where he is walking and standing. We don’t know each other. We don’t have any conflict. He can accurately know where I am in my room. If everything I report is true, he must be a member of organized crime because he has so advanced tools.
# He is singled. He is living one bed room. The rent is about 800 dollars.
# I once disclosed one serious tax evasion.
Sincerely yours,
Robin Yan
Literature about Non-lethal weapons
Sound as a Weapon
Author unknown
Keywords: Sound Weapon, Infrasonic Weapon, Ultrasonic Weapon, Sonic Bullets, Non-lethal Weapon
Sound is mostly associated with something we hear. We listen to people talking, music on the radio, and other type of sounds. But what most people don't know is that sound can be used as a weapon.
Sound below the hearing range (20 Hz) of a human is called infrasonic, and above human hearing rang (20 kHz) is ultrasonic. A laser is an electromagnetic wave with a single wavelength that can be focused and targeted on an object. CD players use a laser to read information off a CD. Sound, however, is an atmospheric wave. Can a focused sound wave be generated and used to strike an object. The answer is yes.
Sound waves with high amplitudes can be used as a weapon. This is not the type of sound you hear but the type of sound you would feel in an explosion. A shock wave. If you have two or more focused sound waves, they can be angled and combined at some focal point. The combining of the waves at the focal point can produce a very powerful wave. One of the focused waves modulated with information can control the result of the final wave.
The final wave can be infrasonic, audible, or ultrasonic. This technology can be used to direct an audible message to a person by aiming the device at the side of the target's head, near one ear. This message can be sent to only one person in a room filled with people, or while the person is just lying in bed. The message can be sent from the same house or the house next door. The ultrasonic waves will travel through walls of a house with little loss before combining to produce the audible message.
The waves passing through the walls will not damage the house in anyway. A person could be tricked into thinking that God is speaking to them, for example. Depending on the targeted person's state of mind, he or she could be manipulated into doing something that he or she would not normally do.
This technology can be used as a very effective weapon. Powerful ultrasonic focused sound waves can be fired through a house without damaging the house in anyway. These waves could have amplitudes of several inches. If a person is struck by these focused waves as they pass through a house, the person could feel a slight tap or a strong violent jolt, depending on the strength and distance of the weapon. Strong infrasonic or ultrasonic sound waves passing through the head, neck, or chest can cause gasping for breath, head pains, or a choking effect.
The firing point of the weapon could be from inside of the house next door or the inside of the house across the street. Since the weapon is hidden inside of a house and no damage is done to either house, it is virtually impossible to visually detect it. The wave after striking its target and passing through the targeted house will dissipate in the atmosphere over a distance. This is truly a vanishing bullet.
Ultrasonic waves can not only pass through a house wall without causing any damage but can also pass through stone, brick, and metal. There is no safe place from these weapons in a conventional house. Total protection from these infrasonic and ultrasonic waves is limited to a vacuum, no air. Sound cannot pass through a vacuum. Vacuum barriers placed around a targeted person can render these sound weapons useless.
Weapons such as these are useless unless they are able to strike a human target. A targeting system that can target a person through the walls of a house is needed. Imaging technology now exist that can display images of individuals inside a house or building. I believe the imaging technology uses electromagnetic waves that reflect back on surfaces close to body temperature. The reflective waves would be used to build an image of people inside the house.
The combining of the above mentioned sound weapons and this targeting system insure precise identification and targeting of the human target. The targeting system and weapon can be made mobile. The equipment can be hidden in the back of a small truck or van. The vehicle would be parked near the building of the where the targeted person is. A person hiding in the back of the vehicle can target and fire the weapon at the targeted person in the building. As long as the general vicinity of the person is known, the targeted person can be identified and targeted by body detail using the targeting system.
The weapon produces a very powerful ultrasonic frequency and the wave has tremendous distance. The wave can be fired through the head of the targeted person. The frequency of the sound wave is quickly varied from a frequency that will penetrate the skull easily to one which will not. The targeted person will feel this wave passing through his or her head. This will most certainly intimidate a person. Both the targeting system and weapon are very expensive.
Harassment groups are currently using this technology to assist neighborhood communities with the task of riding their communities of unwelcome neighbors. This technology is extremely effective. It could be used to keep the targeted person awake all night by striking the person throughout the night, possibly causing the person to lose their job because of poor work performance from lack of sleep. It is impossible to sleep through a strong sound wave passing through your body. The income earner of a family can be singled out and targeted in a family situation.
It is possible to run a person or a family out of their house with this technology. The local police will not know how to handle a situation like this. They have no equipment to detect the targeting system or weapon. These weapons leave no visual marks on the human body after being struck, so no physical evidence can be produced for the police. The police will just assume the targeted person is crazy and brush them off. Detection devices are needed to detect this technology. More types harassment groups will discover the potential of this technology and quickly employ it. These weapons are designed for one purpose, to terrorize people.
The above mentioned technology is real and currently being used. This is no joke.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Exhibit 1: evidence from one involved torturer, The Scarborough Hospital, Canada

Mr. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
To Whom It May Concern:
Topic: Statement; Exhibit 1:the evidence collected from one torturer, The
Scarborough Hospital; Regarding my requests for a public inquiry; Your response in written is needed.
Issues: Torture, non-lethal weapons, gang/organized -stalking, serious violation of human right, happened in Canada.
After you talked to me on the phone (613-948-4248), dated July 17, 2009 , on how to settle this torture case with Toronto Police Service, and after I contacted Mr.Chief William Blair of Toronto Police Service by fax and e-mail , I received the most serious attack in my home. They were head, heart, back, and noise attacks.
Head attack: I was awaken up by the sharp pain in my head with the shattering of my teeth. The shape was dot. The positions were around my temples. This symptom has never happened before.
Heart attack: I got heart attack. The shape was dot. When onset, I could hardly move. When I moved to somewhere else in my home, it would get relieved at once. This was the second time in my home.
Back attack: I got sudden sharp pain on my back. The shape was dot. When onset, I shouted because of the pain. I could hardly move. When I moved to somewhere else in my home, it would get relieved at once. This symptom has never happened before.
Noise: I received the severe noise close to tinnitus. When I decided to put some device around my ears to capture it, it stopped at once.
Evidence from torturer:
After consulting my family doctor several times, Bai S. Cheng, his telephone is 416-615-0002, I reported to 41 division, Toronto Police Service about the first gang-stalker according to my family doctor’s advice and judgement. The 41 division tried their best to induce The Scarborough Hospital to intervene (I have record of their communication) and tried their best to induce my family doctor to change his mind. Due to the inducement from the police, one social worker of The Scarborough Hospital, Nicole Douglas conducted mental status exam, assessment, and made an official diagnose in my home without “informed consent”. After that, I made a request for the access to my entire medical record, including voice recording, handwritten record. The Scarborough Hospital denied my request and stated in their letter to me: destroying the original part of medical record is its standard and legal practices. I am now forwarding The Scarborough Hospital’s letter to you.
Regarding my requests for a public inquiry and your response:
I made several requests with you for a public inquiry into this torture case through the use of non-lethal weapons based on the fact, previous cases, and law, actually I was denied. I took part in the first protest in the history of Canada. According to the specific process, I am now writing you this letter, hoping you can respond to this letter in written within 7 days since the date of this letter.English is my second language. Any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks for your consideration.
Best regards,
Robin Yan
Via email and fax:
Fax: 613-941-6900
The Scarborough Hospital’s letter as evidence will be transferred through attached file if I forward this letter through email. The file name is “img038”.
The whole story about this case is recorded in my blog,
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