Mr. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
To Whom It May Concern:
Topic: Statement; Exhibit 1:the evidence collected from one torturer, The
Scarborough Hospital; Regarding my requests for a public inquiry; Your response in written is needed.
Issues: Torture, non-lethal weapons, gang/organized -stalking, serious violation of human right, happened in Canada.
After you talked to me on the phone (613-948-4248), dated July 17, 2009 , on how to settle this torture case with Toronto Police Service, and after I contacted Mr.Chief William Blair of Toronto Police Service by fax and e-mail , I received the most serious attack in my home. They were head, heart, back, and noise attacks.
Head attack: I was awaken up by the sharp pain in my head with the shattering of my teeth. The shape was dot. The positions were around my temples. This symptom has never happened before.
Heart attack: I got heart attack. The shape was dot. When onset, I could hardly move. When I moved to somewhere else in my home, it would get relieved at once. This was the second time in my home.
Back attack: I got sudden sharp pain on my back. The shape was dot. When onset, I shouted because of the pain. I could hardly move. When I moved to somewhere else in my home, it would get relieved at once. This symptom has never happened before.
Noise: I received the severe noise close to tinnitus. When I decided to put some device around my ears to capture it, it stopped at once.
Evidence from torturer:
After consulting my family doctor several times, Bai S. Cheng, his telephone is 416-615-0002, I reported to 41 division, Toronto Police Service about the first gang-stalker according to my family doctor’s advice and judgement. The 41 division tried their best to induce The Scarborough Hospital to intervene (I have record of their communication) and tried their best to induce my family doctor to change his mind. Due to the inducement from the police, one social worker of The Scarborough Hospital, Nicole Douglas conducted mental status exam, assessment, and made an official diagnose in my home without “informed consent”. After that, I made a request for the access to my entire medical record, including voice recording, handwritten record. The Scarborough Hospital denied my request and stated in their letter to me: destroying the original part of medical record is its standard and legal practices. I am now forwarding The Scarborough Hospital’s letter to you.
Regarding my requests for a public inquiry and your response:
I made several requests with you for a public inquiry into this torture case through the use of non-lethal weapons based on the fact, previous cases, and law, actually I was denied. I took part in the first protest in the history of Canada. According to the specific process, I am now writing you this letter, hoping you can respond to this letter in written within 7 days since the date of this letter.English is my second language. Any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks for your consideration.
Best regards,
Robin Yan
Via email and fax:
Email: pm@pm.gc.ca; HarpeS@parl.gc.ca
Fax: 613-941-6900
The Scarborough Hospital’s letter as evidence will be transferred through attached file if I forward this letter through email. The file name is “img038”.
The whole story about this case is recorded in my blog, www.yzlrobin.blogspot.com
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